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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Moving Forward in Life

Many of us in this world of lies are living on a pursuit of happiness am I right? A lot of us want a piece of the successful pie and want to have enough wealth to last us and generations to come before us. Well not necessarily because a lot of people are selfish and would rather spend that money on rims, car stereos, and expensive homes. Much respect to you if you have the revenue to pull that off without hurting your pocket.

Now becoming successful in life isn't an easy task and it's one of which I'm still working on.

But I've had many wise adults come before and give me the tips of the trade and I thought it would be nice to share them with the world.


Now back to the basics: simply put, you first need a career or even a job that you actually enjoy. Many would say there's nothing worse than having to wake up in the morning to go to a hellhole of a job. Be proud of what you do and what you make a living with.

The main basis for this is a good educational foundation, I would recommend at least a college degree so that way you can take yourself further in life.


Now that you have the job/career that you actually enjoy it's about that time to put away some money from every pay, whether it be in a mutual fund, a retirement fund, or just straight to your bank account. It just needs to be money that you're not going to touch for a while.


Now every week, two weeks, or month; however often you're paid you'll be adding up money that should be compounding interest. And since you have a job/career that you like you don't mind the small percentage of your paycheck going towards bettering yourself later in life. [Note: Remember the earlier you start doing this the faster you can retire a millionaire. Honestly this seems logical because it will work.]


Now that's just the gist of the concept I'm throwing at you. The main portion is keeping your standard of living comfortable, but not too lavish. Many associate a high paycheck with a lavish home, car, etc. and they tend to spend more money per week.

The trick is, keep your standard of living comfortable for you, but not lavish enough where it will hurt your pocket and take away from money that you can be setting aside for an early retirement.


Like I said before, the earlier you start doing this, the earlier you'll have stacks on deck and will be able to become a millionaire. And if you keep this up, then you can continue to let your money stack on top of itself. The more the merrier right because many see money as being power.


This is just a rinsed down version of a 2 day long lecture from the teacher who helped me get my A+ Certification during Skill Center: Mr. G. Much respect.

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